بدعم وتعاون أفضل الخبراء في الطب والسياحة الصحية والزراعة
((المدة المقترحة للاستخدام لا تقل عن 5 أيام))
خطة لصحة الجلد، تنظيف الجسم، إزالة السموم من الجسم تنشيط العقل، وإزالة الشوارد الزائدة من الجسم
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وتكراره مرة كل أربعة أشهر يسبب: تقوية العظام، وخفض ضغط الدم، وتحسين البصر، والوقاية من أمراض القلب إزالة مضاعفات الكلى، وتطهير الأمعاء، وتوفير المعادن التي يحتاجها الجسم
((مع مزيج من تعاليم القرآن والطب الإيراني والتكنولوجيا الحديثة))
وأنا في انتظار اقتراحات وتوجيهات المهتمين والخبراء.
في الواقع، أنا لست طبيبًا،
وأنا مقدم الاقتراح ومستشار البحث والتطوير لمشروع السياحة الصحية هذا.
კანის ჯანმრთელობის, სხეულის გაწმენდის, სხეულის დეტოქსიკაციის გეგმა გონების გააქტიურება, ორგანიზმიდან ზედმეტი ელექტროლიტების მოცილება
და ოთხ თვეში ერთხელ გამეორება იწვევს: ძვლების გაძლიერება, არტერიული წნევის დაქვეითება, მხედველობის გაუმჯობესება, გულის დაავადებების პრევენცია თირკმელების გართულებების მოცილება, ნაწლავების გაწმენდა, და ორგანიზმისთვის საჭირო მინერალებით
((ყურანის, ირანული მედიცინისა და თანამედროვე ტექნოლოგიების სწავლებების კომბინაციით))
ველოდები დაინტერესებული და ექსპერტების წინადადებებს და მითითებებს. ფაქტობრივად, მე არ ვარ ექიმი და ვარ ამ ჯანმრთელობის ტურიზმის პროექტის კვლევისა და განვითარების შემოთავაზებული და კონსულტანტი.
При поддержке и сотрудничестве лучших специалистов в области медицины, оздоровительного туризма и сельского хозяйства. ((рекомендуемая продолжительность применения
не менее 5 дней)) План здоровья кожи,
очищения организма,
детоксикации организма Активация разума, удаление избытка электролитов из организма
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Повторение этого раз в четыре месяца приводит к: Укрепление костей,
снижение артериального давления, улучшение зрения,
профилактика заболеваний сердца.
Устранение осложнений почек,
очищение кишечника,
и обеспечение минералов,
необходимых организму
((с сочетанием учения Корана, иранской медицины и современных технологий))
Жду предложений и указаний заинтересованных и специалистов.
На самом деле я не врач,
а инициатор и консультант исследований и разработок этого проекта оздоровительного туризма.
Dr. Hojjat Baghaei, training manager and LPC course manager in law and management in Asia, the Middle East and Iran - With the support of the International Association of Graduates of Law and Management. Dr. Alireza Salmanian Noukabadi, Head of International Affairs, International Association of Law and Management Graduates - #Professional_courses_of_law_and_management #L_P_C_Rights #L_P_C_Management #training_manager #conductor of the training course #International_Association_of_Law_and_Management
Iranian youth and youth want to act, my main goal is to find talent and make managers to build the future of the world.
Dr.Hojjat Baqaee The executive secretary of the World Organization of Future Managers in Iran said in a conversation with reporters: "Since my professors put this responsibility on me, despite the fact that for some reasons I would have preferred this responsibility to one of my friends, but my professors ordered and I had no choice but to do it." I did not obey. Well, this was done, but I'm not a talker, I have to act, after a year of research and study, I finally coordinated some things that, God willing, I will inform little by little and serve the precious young people of my country. To be honest, I have been consulting with professors in various fields in Iran, the Middle East, Central Asia, and Asia for about a year, and thank God, good things will happen. With the potentials that I saw in the professors of the board of directors and the academic staff of the organization, I realized that a lot of work can be done, my main goal is to find talent and make managers to build the future of the world. The world that is built, the future of youth and teenagers is guaranteed. Referring to his history of cooperation with organizations and bodies in youth talent search, Dr. Baqaei added: You see, I started this work from around 1374 to 1375, at that time we had a research about street children through friends, which led to getting to know them. Among the children, I chose 5 people, two with sports talent and three in other fields. Well, at that time, I was a polling center, I appointed one of them as a pollster and researcher. I saw They had become wonderful young people. Then two other people entered the news affairs and later became gentlemen for themselves, well, I had my hands open in the news network. I supported, but the development was their own work. Many are supported, but it does not bear fruit. My duty was to support and that's it. Now I said this, so that you know that it is possible to work, provided that the goal is work. and increase the depth of our vision a little. God willing, I along with my professors and friends are at the service of all young people, our goal in the first stage will be to support elites and talents. Sports talents, recording ideas, introducing talents for education, planning for education, etc. In addition to this, I have an idea for training future managers, which will soon be implemented in several countries with the coordination and agreement of the managers of several universities. I would like it to be implemented in Iran first. A twelve-year period for young people from 17 years old and above, 12 years of training, then they enter the job market as managers. Now, with the support of my professors, we have set up a network all over Iran, without the interference of the government sector, but with the necessary permits, we will find talent and develop teenagers. Currently, we have wonderful connections both inside and in the world with educational institutions in various fields, which leaves our hands open to educate teenagers and encourage them. Our goal is not to export talent, our goal is to educate young people to import science and export science. By training teachers and administrators for the future, we can build a wonderful country for the future generation. I apologize to all my teachers for not being a worthy student for them yet. Now I start working in Iran under my own name, and I know that people only want to be brokers. I have a professor who I have been a student of for almost 20 years. . Or my other professor in the field of law is unique, and my other professor is in the affairs of inventors and innovators, and I have professors from the best of the agriculture and animal husbandry industry, and sports and media professors, whose support I am always ashamed of. And now I feel like I have a good team to work with. The team whose support is the best support for me.
So let's go to serve the youth with the aim of building the future of our dear Iran...